Deployment Strategy

Kirtana using a service-oriented architecture and microservices approach, developers can design a code base to be modular. This allows them to write and deploy changes to different parts of the code base simultaneously


Benefits of shorter deployment cycles

Time-to-market is reduced

Customers get product value in less time

Customer feedback also flows back into the product team faster, which means the team can iterate on features and fix problems faster

Overall developer morale goes up


Deployment Strategy

There are a variety of techniques to deploy new applications to production so choosing the right strategy is an important decision that needs to be made to leverage the impact of change on the consumer.




Containerization has become a major trend in software development as an alternative or companion to virtualization. It involves encapsulating or packaging up software code and all its dependencies so that it can run uniformly and consistently on any infrastructure.



A/B Deployment

A/B testing deployments consists of routing a subset of users to a new functionality under specific conditions. It is usually a technique for making business decisions based on statistics, rather than a deployment strategy.



Canary Deployment

With canary deployment, you deploy a new application code in a small part of the production infrastructure. Once the application is signed off for release, only a few users are routed to it. This minimizes any impact.